Workout of the Week

The Christmas holiday is right around the corner.  So being in the holiday spirit like I am, were doing a “12/25” workout this week.  I’m giving you 12 exercises and you have 25 reps for each one.

  1. KB Swings
  2. Burpees
  3. KB Squat Press
  4. V-Up
  5. Pushup
  6. Mountain Climbers (R and L)
  7. Squat Jump
  8. Jumping Jack
  9. Knee Crossovers (R and L)
  10. KB Squat Pull
  11. Burpees
  12. Pushups

I know a couple of exercises are on there twice, but they’re good ones.  Do one round, or two if you’re feeling extra jolly this week.  Either way, get after it.


Workout of the Week

I haven’t put one of these up in a while.  I know you all are very upset about that, so I give you my sincerest apologies.  I can’t say it won’t happen again, but I’ll do my best from now on…. Now that that’s out of the way, grab a kettlebell and lets get going…

  1. Alternating Lunges (KB optional) – 50 total
  2. Bicycle Situps (KB optional) – 40 total
  3. Kettlebell Swing – 30
  4. Kettlebell Squat Press – 20
  5. Burpee w/ Pushup – 10

Complete 2-3 rounds based on time.  As always, move quickly through the exercises, but with good form.  Rest when needed.




Workout of the Week

I haven’t given you all one of these in a while – my apologies…  Here is a KB workout for you that shouldn’t take more than 20-25 minutes.  Note: You can substitute DB’s if you do not have a KB

  1. KB Squat Press – 25
  2. Jumping Jacks – 25
  3. KB Swing – 25
  4. Mountain Climbers – 25 R/L
  5. KB Lunge Exchange – 20 (10 R/L)
  6. Pushups – 15
  7. KB Skull Crusher – 20
  8. Burpees – 15

Complete 3-4 Rounds

As always, go through these exercises quickly, but make sure your form stays solid.  Push yourself, but rest when needed.



Workout of the Week

I’ve got a cardio workout for you this week.  It’s a pretty simple workout, but one that will nonetheless require a lot of effort.

3-5 minute light jog to warmup.  Followed by:

Your work:rest ratio this week is 1:1, and your time period is 1 minute.  That means you’re going to run for 1 minute, then rest/walk for one minute.  It’s about as simple as it gets.  I want the speed on the run to be as fast as you can maintain for a minute.  The walking speed can be pretty slow in order to recover.  I want 15 sets, which will take you 30 minutes to complete.

3-5 minute light jog to cool down.

This is a very simple and straightforward workout.  But, that doesn’t mean you get to slack off.



Workout of the Week

This week I’ve got another cardio workout for you.  It will take you about 40 minutes or so to complete, but it is a good workout.  Here is your workout:

Each set you’re running for 30 seconds, then resting for 30 seconds.

Set 1

Start at no incline.  Run for 30 seconds.  Rest for 30 seconds while raising your incline to 2.5.  Run for 30 again.  Rest for 30.  Continue this cycle, raising the incline 2.5% with each interval until you reach 10%, keeping the speed the same on each interval.  Once you’ve completed 10%, work your way back to flat ground.  Only this time, increase your speed with each set.  Your set will look like this on the incline:

0 – 2.5 – 5 – 7.5 – 10 – 7.5 – 5 – 2.5 – 0 — Remember, keep the speed the same on the way up, but increase on the way down.  Rest two minutes

Set 2

Start at no incline, work your way to 7.5 on the incline and then back down.  Increase speed on the way down.  Rest two minutes

Set 3

Start with no incline, work your way to 5 incline and then back down.  Rest two minutes

Set 4

Start at no incline, go to 2.5 and then back down.  All three of these intervals should be at a very high speed.


Push yourself on each set.  Try to increase you starting speed with each set, as you won’t be going as high.



Workout of the Week

Grab a stopwatch and a set of dumbbells for this workout.  The weight should be heavy, but not so much that you can’t get through a 20-25 minute workout with them.  You’ve got 4 exercises.  Here they are:

DB Squat and Press

DB Alternating Renegade Row

DB Alternating Front Lunge

DB Burpee and Press

Complete each exercise for 1 minute, then go right into the next one.  After the last, rest for about a minute, then go right back to the top exercise.  Complete 5 rounds.  It should take around 25 minutes for 5 full rounds.



Workout of the Week

You’ve only got three exercises this week, but you’ve got a high number of reps for each exercise.  No weights needed, just you and a little bit of space.  Here we go…

Burpees – 100

Leg Lifts – 150

Squats – 200

You can break these exercises down into however many reps and sets you wish.  You can do all reps at once or make them into a circuit.  It does not matter to me – just get them done!!



How to Beat the Heat

The summer months are here and the days of single digit weather are long gone. Since the majority of you reading this live below the Mason-Dixon Line then you know exactly what to expect: a lot of heat and humidity, and no wind or rain. That’s the gist of summer weather here in Kentucky. I know, not necessarily the ideal running conditions, right? Well, there’s not really much we can do about the weather, so we might as well deal with it. Here are seven tips that will help you stay active and on track with your running workouts throughout the summer.

RISE AND SHINE. Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re not a morning person. You hate being up before the sun – I get it. I’m willing to guess that you’re also not a heat stroke person, either. The best way to avoid the heat in the summer time is simple: get going before it does. And let me tell you, there is absolutely nothing prettier than watching the sun come up over a Kentucky horse farm in the middle of nowhere. You owe it to yourself to see it in person

STAY UP LATE. If you absolutely refuse to get up before the sun, then your best bet is to wait until it goes down. Although it is generally still hot and muggy during the summer evenings, it beats having the sun beaming down on you. It will save you 10-15 degrees, and a one huge headache.

STAY HYDRATED. This could possibly be the most important of all, regardless of the time of year or time of day. Hydration is vital no matter when or where you are running. But, when we add severe temperatures into the mix, it becomes even more important. Drink plenty of water before, during (if possible), and after your run.

RUN INDOORS. If you absolutely refuse to run early or late, then try taking it indoors. Trust me, I hate running on an indoor track as much as the next guy. Let’s be honest, they flat out suck. But, 70 degrees in the air conditioning is quite appealing when it feels like the surface of the sun outside. There are plenty of gyms with indoor tracks here in town for you to take advantage of.  OR, you could come PUNCH and hop on our torture devices known as treadmills.  Your odds of running at an incline will go up exponentially, but at least you’ll be inside.

RUN SLOWER. If you insist on running outdoor, start off at a slower speed. There is nothing more detrimental when running in the heat than going out too fast. This will get your heart rate and body temperature elevated faster than you think. While this is certainly not uncommon, it is something you want to try and avoid as much as you can.

RUN SHORTER. Allow yourself time to get acclimatized to the warmer weather. Instead of running 5 miles at high noon, opt for a 5k instead. Let your body, and mind, get used to the drastic change in temperature.

SWAP YOUR HEADGEAR. During the winter months, I always wear a hat or beanie. This keeps all the warmth from my big ole’ head close to my body. In the summertime, you want to do just the opposite. Swap the hat out for a lightweight visor. It’s a good way to let off some extra body heat while still keeping the sun out of your eyes.

There you have it. Next to sitting next to the air conditioner, these tips are your best bet for not dying from a heat stroke during the summer months.  Stay cool folks.

Workout of the Week

This week we’re doing a bodyweight workout.  You don’t even need a stopwatch.  Just get up off the couch and get to it.  Here you go..


Squat Jumps – 50

Leg Raises – 40

Plank Climbs – 30

Split Jumps – 20

Burpees – 10

Pushups – 20

Bicycle Situps – 30

Front Lunges – 40

Jumping Jacks – 50


Go through this circuit as quickly as you can.  Complete 2-3 circuits for a great combination of strength training and cardio work!!



Workout of the Week

This week I’m throwing a cardio workout your way.  It’s a pretty simple, yet very effective workout.  Should take anywhere from 30-45 minutes based on your speed and number of reps you complete.  This can be done outside on a track or inside on a treadmill.


5 Min warmup – light jog

5-8 sets – 600m run – rest 2 min after each set

5 min cool down – light jog


600m on a track is going to be 1.5 laps.

600m on a treadmill is going to be approximately 0.38 miles on the digital reader.

Each 600m run should be approximately 80-90% max effort.  You don’t want to go all out so that you cannot complete another set, but you want to push yourself to increase both speed and endurance with this workout.