Shaking My Head

Here’s our favorite Brofessor back with another very informative video for you.  If you’re like me and go to the gym on a regular basis, then you can probably relate to this one…

Healthy and Homemade

It’s the holiday season.  Let’s face it, most of us eat really crappy food for a month and a half during this time of year.  I can eat a whole chocolate pie by myself if I want, so I’m just as guilty as the next person (sometimes).  So, why not make somewhat of an effort this year to minimize the damage??  Here is a quick recipe that will save you some plenty of carbs and calories.

Doesn’t that look delicious???  Mine most certainly doesn’t come out looking like that..

Click here to check out the recipe for this revamped, healthier lasagna.  You won’t be upset

Shaking My Head

Maybe it’s because today is Wednesday.  Maybe it’s because today is the first “two-jacket” day of the fall.  Either way, I need a little pick-me-up.  If you’re like me, and you need a little boost this morning, look no further.  Here for your morning entertainment is your favorite meathead for a little advice on spotting in the gym.
